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What is website migration?

Website migration isn’t always as drastic as moving your site to a brand-new domain.
In the world of SEO, website migration refers to any sitewide change that’s major enough to have an impact on the site’s indexability and visibility to search engines. This includes activities like changing the internal page structure or doing a visual redesign.
If implemented without a proper plan in place, a site migration can seriously damage your hard-earned SEO standing. That’s why you should treat any migration as a major project with multiple stakeholders.

Carefully consider the costs and benefits of migrating your website.

It is advisable to run a sample test of the URLs as per the website migration checklist. Link the old URLs to the new domain versions for smooth redirection. All the embedded hyperlinks should also redirect to the migrated site. To keep track of all the old and new URLs, use Google Analytics or a similar tool, and check the traffic.

Important Website Migration Checklist

After calculating the reasons for website migration, you need to evaluate the risks and profits. Some website developers switch to a secure connection (HTTPS) to optimize the site for search. Rebranding of a site is also a key factor in website migration. If there aren’t any other ways to gain traffic, consider how site migration can give value for money. Proceed with migration only after thoroughly evaluating these queries.

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